We bought a house. It is the most beautiful view ever. We have to finish it so we won't be moving in until probably the middle of January. Here are some pictures of it. I am very excited to start putting my touch inside the house. Rick and Joby put in my fireplace mantle over thanksgiving. It is gorgeous. Now I am going to faux the rest of the fireplace. Ruth and Don are coming tomorrow to do the electrical. FUN, FUN, FUN!
Friday, December 5, 2008
We bought a house. It is the most beautiful view ever. We have to finish it so we won't be moving in until probably the middle of January. Here are some pictures of it. I am very excited to start putting my touch inside the house. Rick and Joby put in my fireplace mantle over thanksgiving. It is gorgeous. Now I am going to faux the rest of the fireplace. Ruth and Don are coming tomorrow to do the electrical. FUN, FUN, FUN!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Everyday stuff
Mailee and I went shopping on Saturday. It was great fun. This is the list of goodies Natilee had to eat to keep her entertained: gum, breakfast of pancakes with syrup, 4 suckers, a slurpee, an ice-cream cone, a barbie set, a Hanna-Montana writing kit. Lucky for us Emily drove down and met us as we were shopping, so Natilee lached onto her and drove her crazy. Natilee talks non-stop unless she is eating something. We sugared her up so she was good and cranky by the time we got home...still it was a highlight for me. Tarilee and Chris were gone to St. George. I think they should buy a little cottage get-a-way, they would probably spend less money in the long run. Ron & I taught our 1st Primary class Sunday. They are 11 years old. We had 9 in the class. Ron did a great job with his part. I mentioned going to the drug store for a candy bar and they were all.."huh, the drug store!...what is a drug store?" Ron said later that they probably thought it was a place that sells illegal drugs.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Tucannon
A couple of weeks ago I went to Washington to see my sister, Cheryl. She lives in a beautiful setting along the Tucannon river. Dave asked us to go cattle hunting in the mountains and to separate the yearlings from their mothers. My boots have never seen so much cow kaka. We had a blast bouncing around on the 4-wheeler and I even did some high-steppin' on foot. Then we loaded them into a trailer and took them down to winter pastures. Those poor babies and mom's bawlded there eyes out. I saved one baby being separated from it's mom. I played on Dave's heart-strings and he brought the mom with the calf. (he was probably going to do it anyway, but ya never know about that Dave) We decorated the master bedroom in blue and brown. I went walking through the house to see what I could steal for the bedroom and saw a great elk hide hanging over a wall divider. We took it in and placed it on the floor. It looked GREAT there. I thought maybe Dave would insist that it be returned to the wall, but he just looked at the room like we had lost our minds...later that night cheryl said he didn't know what to do with all the pillows on the bed so he just carefully slid his body under the covers on his side and when she came to bed the cute little pillows were still on the bed and he was sound asleep. Now if you know Dave that paints an hysterical picture. He isn't exactly the cute little pillow type.
Monday, October 13, 2008
To Much Fudge
Don was interrupted
so many times while
making fudge at the cabin, that he doubled the milk...so the 2 professional fudge-makers decided to throw in more of everything but the milk. They didn't have enough to DOUBLE the recipe, but they added what they had. So then they had to get a bigger pot to cook it in. They had so much fudge that they almost couldn't lift it to pour it into the pans. They poured Renee's separate because she can't have nuts and then realized that they forgot the vanilla, so they poured it back into the pot, added the vanilla and finally...got'er dun.
Oh, and I almost forgot to let you fudge-lovers know, there were only 7 of us eatin' all that fudge!
Snowmobiling on 4-wheelers
to go 4-wheeling...
so we did.
It was quite an experience in the snow...drifts. Except for my feet being cold
I survived pretty good. The crazy people that went were: Ron and I, Don, Merle and Renee, Doug and Keri. We went up the hill to the upper mine and got clear to the top (had to bust through some deep snow drifts) At the top, I started screaming like a banshee because Ron was going to keep going around the bend and we wouldn't have been able to turn around. He still says we could have. I will show him next summer where we would have spent the winter.
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